The World Conference on Linguistic Rights,
Expresses its gratitude and congratulations to the organisers, particularly to the CIEMEN and the International PEN Club (especially the Linguistic Rights Committee) for the admirable work realised and its results,
Expresses furthermore its gratitude to the Generalitat de Catalunya, the DiputaciÛ and the Ajuntament de Barcelona as well as the Comission of the European Union for their generous hospitality,
Expresses finally its gratitude to the UNESCO and its General Director for his participation and his intellectual and material assistance,
Wishes a Committee to be set up to ensure the continuity of works, to mobilise the national comissions of the UNESCO and to stay at the UNESCO s disposition to prepare the next intergovernmental Conference consecrated to the incorporation of the Declaration into the laws of each state.
The Assembly of The World Conference on Linguistic Rights approuve:
a) The creation of a Follow-up Scientific Council, at the service of the committees and working groups to be set up by UNESCO. This Scientific Council will be coordinated by the UDLR Follow-up Committee.
b) The creation of an Universal Declaration on Linguistic Rights Follow-up Committee. This Committee will be formed as soon as information is available about the process set in motion by UNESCO. Its mission will be to ensure that the coordination between NGOs, PEN centers and experts which commenced during the World Conference on Linguistic Rights continues during the follow-up process. Nine of the organizations which took part in the Conference will be represented on the Committee, whose composition will reflect a balance between continents, NGOs and International PEN Club Centers.
We propose the immediate establishment of an executive group in charge of setting up the UDLR Follow-up Committee and of maintaining liaison during the initial stages of the process launched by UNESCO on the basis of the Universal Declaration on Linguistic Rights. It is proposed that this group be made up of:
The Chairperson of the Follow-up Committee, who will be the President of the Translations and Linguistic Rights Committe of the International PEN Club,
The Vice-chairperson of the Follow-up Committee, who will be a delegate of the World Council of Indigenous Peoples,
The General Secretary of the Follow-up Committee, who will be a delegate of the CIEMEN.
During the weeks and months immediately following the Conference, the executive group will be open to proposals from all participants concerning the selection of the remaining members of the Follow-up Committee and undertakes to keep all participants informed of developments.
Barcelona, 8th June 1996