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Welcome to Brigham Young University's
Linguistics Society (Lingsoc). We will be continually updating and
improving this web site. If you have any questions, comments, or suggestions
that you would like to see happen here, please let us know by contacting
the webmaster.

Recent(ish) Presentations
& Events
(July 28 - August 1, 1998)
In July & August of this year some of our Linguistics Professors
and many of our fellow students attended/presented at LACUS.
The Deseret Language and Linguistic Society Symposium (DLLS
- March 30-April 3, 1998), sponsored by the College of Humanities at Brigham
Young University, was a great success.
On Thursday, March 12th the Linguistics Society was very
pleased to have Dr.
Cynthia Hallen as a guest speaker. Her topic was "Figures of Speech
in Shakespeare, Emily Dickenson, and the Scriptures".
On Thursday, January 29th the Linguistics Circle, mostly
composed of the department faculty, met to discuss superlative semantics,
an area of semantics that has not been given much attention. Please take
a moment to read about the discussion presented
by Deryle Lonsdale. Thanks to all those who attended!
On Thursday, February 5th the Linguistics Society hosted
a presentation by Deryle Lonsdale, the new Linguistics
Professor coming to us straight from Carnagie Melon University. Thanks
to all those who attended!
On Friday, October 17th1997, the Linguistics Society
hosted the presentation "Career Preparation"
by Christopher DeSantis of the Church Translation Department. Thanks to
all those who attended!
Our Mission
To facilitate:
Food & Fun = promoting high-quality, good feelings and unity
among linguistics students. |
Career Commiseration = providing pointers on how to survive as a
linguist in the actual world. |
Intellectual Interests = presenting interesting theoretical
concepts that professors don't necessarily have time to pursue at length
in the classroom. |

Contact Information
We would enjoy hearing from you. Please look at our current membership.
If you have any questions or comments for our members, please email them
directly via the email address provided.
Postal address
Brigham Young University, Department of Linguistics, 2129 JKHB, Provo,
UT 84602
Electronic mail
General Information: info@ttt.org
Webmaster: Nate Blaylock