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Last updated: January 27, 2001

CLS Framework: ISO 12620 data categories section 06

Menu of data classes

| (1) Terms | (2) Term-Related Data Categories | (3) Equivalence | (4) Subject Field |
| (5) Concept Related Description | (6) Concept Relation | (7) Conceptual Structures | (8) Note |
| (9) Documentary Language | (10) Terminology Management |

Section 6: Concept relation

This section has been subsumed into Section 7.2.1 & 7.2.5 for Blind Martif only.

    6 concept relation
    6.1 generic relation
    6.2 partitive relation
    6.3 sequential relation
    6.3.1 temporal relation
    6.3.2 special relation
    6.4 associative relation

    6 concept relation
    Description: A semantic link between concepts.

    Note: Concept relations form the basis for concept systems. Types of concept relation can include:

    generic relation
    partitive relation
    sequential relationi
    temporal relation
    spatial relation
    associative relation
    [open list]

    • 6.1 generic relation
      Description: A concept relation in which the intension of the superordinate concept is contained as a subsetof the intension of the subordinate concept.

      Note: Generic relations can be characterized in that all concepts that belong to the category of the narrower concept (the species) are part of the extension of the broader concept (the genus).

      Example: There is a generic relation between the concept fruit and the concept apple.

    • 6.2 partitive relation
      Admitted Name1: whole-part relation
      Admitted Name2: part-whole relation

      Description: A hierachical relation in which the superordinate concept refers to an object as a whole and the subordinate concepts to parts of it.

      Example: There is a partitive relation between the concept peel and the concept apple.

    • 6.3 sequential relation
      Description: A relation of dependence between concepts referring to objects that have a spatial or termporal contiguity.

      Example: cause-effect; producer-product; steps in a process Note1: Types of sequential relation can include temporal relation and spatial relation.

      Note2: By virtue of the law of relativity, it can be difficult in some cases to distinguish between spatial and termporal components. For instance, assembly line workstations can be viewed as being in spatial or termporal relation with one another.

      • 6.3.1 temporal relation
        Description: A relation of dependence between concepts referring to objects that have temporal contiguity.

        Example: cause and effect; producer-product; steps in a process

      • 6.3.2 spatial relation
        Description: A relation of dependence between concepts referring to objects based on their relative position in space.

        Example: right and left sides of the human body; features on the globe.

    • 6.4 associative relation
      Admitted Name1: thematic relation
      Admitted Name2: pragmatic relation

      Description: A relation between concepts that can be established on the basis of thematic connections.

      Note: For definition of related term, see ISO 1087:1990,

      Example: teacher : school; automobile : highway


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