ISO 12620 data categories section 08

Section 08: Note

Admitted Name 1: remark

Admitted Name 2: comment

Description: Supplemental information pertaining to any other element in the data collection, regardless whether it is a term, term-related, descriptive, or administrative.

Note: If possible, supplemental information can be identified with more specific data categories, e.g., usage note A.2.3.1, transfer comment A.3.5, etc.

08.01 description type--This position code has not yet been added to ISO 12620

DXLT representation

<descripNote type='descripType' target='element'>translation<descripNote>
Picklist: translation

08.02 defintion type--This position code has not yet been added to ISO 12620

DXLT representation

<descripNote type='definitionType' target='element'>extensionalDefinition<descripNote>
Picklist: intensionalDefinition, extensionalDefinition, partitiveDefinition

08.03 context type--This position code has not yet been added to ISO 12620

DXLT representation

<descripNote type='definitionType' target='element'>associativeContext<descripNote>
Picklist: defininingContext, explanatoryContext, associativeContext, linguisticCootext, metaLinguisticContext