A sub-section of a language section that contains a single term used to designate the concept that is the subject of the terminological entry, as well as any other information (e.g., definitions, contexts, etc), associated with that term.
A language section in a terminological entry can contain one or many term sections. Term sections may be in the form of so-called tigs (terminology information groups) or ntigs (nested terminology information groups. Tigs are very simple in structure. All items listed in a tig refer directly to the term contained in the tig. Ntigs include sub-groups that enable the user to include subsidiary information referring to other elements in the entry, such as the source of a definition, or a responsibility code for a subset of the ntig.
Expandable portions of the diagram: auxInfo noteLinkInfo basicText termCompList
NOTE: The boxes labeled noteText, auxInfo and basicText represent entities and not elements. Treat them as short hand for a collection of elements.
<ntig> <termGrp> <term>table des transitions d'états</term> <termCompList type="termElements"> <termCompGrp> <termComp>table</termComp> <termNote type="grammaticalGender">feminine</termNote> </termCompGrp> <termCompGrp> <termComp>des</termComp> <termNote type="partOfSpeech">preposition</termNote> </termCompGrp> <termCompGrp> <termComp>transitions</termComp> <termNote type="grammaticalNumber">plural</termNote> <termNote type="grammaticalGender">feminine</termNote> </termCompGrp> <termComp>de</termComp> <termComp>états</termComp> </termCompList> </termGrp> </ntig>